Tao Nan School's Recycling Efforts

Most of the tabs on this site are about recycling efforts as an individual, so how about recycling as a group? Our school has also done a lot to promote and participate in recycling activities.
Recycling @ Tao Nan

Recycling @ Tao Nan is an activity that takes place throughout the year. Every Friday, a representative from each class from Primary One all the way to Primary Six will bring paper scraps contributed by their classes to a Recycling Corner in our school canteen, where the paper scraps will be weighed before being dumped into a recycling bin.
The weight of the paper bound for recycling will be recorded, and at the end of each term, the champion for each Primary level will be announced and the winning class will even get a prize!
Project Green Gift

This is a project in which pupils from our school's uniformed groups go around to the different classes to collect old textbooks. These old textbooks will then be given to NTUC, which will then donate these textbooks to the families in Singapore who are less fortunate. This way, our textbooks will not go to waste!